Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 70 and Day 69

Not really anything wedding. Friday was all about the rental and Day 69 was all about painting...except it was MY house, so that what okay painting. And I won't even go into Misty and I's painting fiascos. =P

1 comment:

Misty said...

My day 70 consisted of picking up my gown for Tera's wedding, to find that it is a foot too long with it pulled way up under my breasts. So I have to have it tailored and get a 4" pair of heels to wear underneath it.

My day 69 consisted of painting at Tera's house, and when I got home, receiving a package from Polly, Myles' mom. Yet another suprise for the "Kleinfelter's" that Tera will receive at her shower. I'm sooo stoked about that.

Yeah the painting fiasco's..LOL That was a trip. My ankle still hurts and so does Tera's forearm.