Friday, August 8, 2008

Day Blah blah blah

I have no clue what day I'm on. LOL I've been really bad this week. I haven't done anything other than put some responses into my spreadsheet and pick up a couple of bridesmaid dresses, one of which I still have to send out. I haven't even sat down to finish working on Myles and my's wedding vows so that they're done before the 25th, which is our next meeting with Joe. Oh, and I got to see Samantha in her flower girl dress. When Brian and Ann and the kids came over for dinner on Tuesday, Ann brought it with her so I could see my Squirt in it. Oh she's soooooo cute! =)

1 comment:

Misty said...

Day 64 I think it is, but yeah we've both been bad about it this week. Grace starts back to school next week, so I went on a final "fling" with my sister and took the kids to St Joseph Michigan Silver Beach...on a RED FLAG DAY...which we didn't know until we got there. But Oh WELL...we had fun. I have managed to get a few emails, get a package for the bridal shower that I've been waiting on FOREVER, and on my excursion yesterday found a few more party gifts for the bridal shower that are SOOOOO CUTE! After the 3 hr man hunt the other night to find the candy molds that I wanted to start, I had no motivation to start, so yet again, I'll try and get working on those this weekend. :0) I also have a "mini project" for the bridal shower also...but that is HUSSHHHERRSSS for the bride, so she just doesn't no. LOL

I'm more confused and psyched about all of it, than anyone realizes. I think it's because there's so much to do. And the menu, that's still not planned, but yeah I'll work on that.

I'm hanging the big TO DO LIST , I THINK DUCT TAPING IT TO THE FRONT OF THE STAINLESS STEEL FRIDGE, and copies of it on the dashboard of my car will help me remember it all. much to do much to do...