No wedding stuff. Didn't even think about it. Friday, Saturday and Sunday (today) were all about the Salem Street rental. Went over there on Friday night and ended up with David and Myles putting the concrete cover on the old well, since the "old" tenants broke the cover that was on it. And me, being the smart that I am, well, I "decorated" it. Special thanks to Misty for the angel artwork. =) I'd love to be a fly on the wall in fifty to a hundred years from now when someone finds this (The guys put dirt on it today so it'll just look like "yard") and they think that someone buried their grandmother in the backyard. LOL I know, it's wrong, but it's my sense of humor. The only wedding stuff was yesterday at our neighbors' party and a few people asked un some general wedding questions. That's it. I might try and do something stuff this week, but the rental has to take priority since it needs to be done by Thursday night, so I'm not really counting on thinking about the wedding...other than my diet so I'll fit in my dress. =P
I agree, I didn't get anything done other than the decorations had arrived...then all was forgotten. I didn't even get my dress picked up. This makes me sad. So I'll be doing that this week. My week will include wedding stuffs, since I am to meet with the other maid of honor to arrange bachlorette party information and schedules and such.
Man it's so hard to think right now, I am just so tired. LOL Thanks to Salem I've gotten lots of exercise and I love to do this kinds of stuff, flippin' houses comes second nature to me. After all I consider myself living in a "flip" LOL.
On the wedding side I did put little boxes together on Friday evening just to see what they looked like for the bridal shower, and kept showing them to david and fawning all over them.... LOL
Aren't they just the cutest thing, these are so adorable and on and on and on...I finally stopped and asked him if he thought I was nuts. He said NO, so that's all that counts! Kay Bye!
David wanted to include on Tera's behalf, now that we've buried the grandma who wanted the big wedding, can't we just run off to the courthouse next week and get you two hitched. LOL
I know our sense of humors are sick. TOOO FUNNY :0)
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