Saturday, July 19, 2008

Days 84 and 83 and 82

I'm just combining these two days because not really anything has gone on other than getting some wedding RSVPs in the mail and plugging them into my spreadsheet. We've just been messing with the Salem street rental constantly. God, I can't wait until that's done. I'm tired and the last thing I really feel like doing is anything having to do with the wedding. Or anything else for that matter.

1 comment:

Misty said...

So, what I completed on Friday was getting the bridal shower decorations ordered, and all the party gifts. I'm so excited about that. Unfortunately Tera has to know these things because the theme..she has to give us answers to the questions. So that we can play the party games, so I have to give her the book before I've read them so mom and I can play too! I ordered enough party gifts for everyone to receive at least one. Now I have to figure out how to box them incospicuosuly so no one knows what the "gift" is, they all have to be same size and color. I hope I can find the right boxes.

As far as Saturday and Sunday, yeah nothing wedding took place, we were at the Salem property with Tera and Myles dealing with the drama and stupid lazy boy tenants.

But we made progress and that's what matters most!