Wow, I've sucked at this. I've sucked at blogging in general lately, actually. I've been pretty busy with wedding stuff and everything. Today I'm going to sit down and go through my wedding list and figure out just exactly what I have left to do. Tomorrow is our last meeting with Joe, our minister, and then we'll be going with him one day this week or next week to check out the church so Joe can get a feel for everything and we can decide how the logistics of everything are going to go. If we go over this beforehand, Joe will be able to get the rehearsal done a lot faster and such. I'm getting really really excited, but I'm getting a little nervous, too. But not for the reasons people probably think. It has nothing to do with actually getting married or anything like that. I've never been more sure of anything in my life that I want to marry Myles, so no jitters where that is concerned. =P I'm actually nervous to walk down the aisle and stand up there in front of everyone with all those people staring at me. Eek. And I'm nervous at how much I'll cry...yeah, of course they'll be happy tears, but still. =P
I went and picked up my dress on Friday night, and of course, as anything goes, there was a snafu. For some reason, it won't zip. So yeah, Extreme dieting for me. But I have no worries that it'll be fine on my wedding day. I have two AWESOME maids of honor who actually had a pow wow together when they found out and have a whole plan worked out for me. =P I'm to be reporting to Ann for lunch and she'll have a lunch ready for me on my diet for the next two weeks, and then I'll only have to take care of my dinner and breakfast which is no big deal. And they're also going to set up a fruit flush for me, and Misty said that the three of us are meeting tonight to go over everything. So, yeah, I have no worries about it. It'll all be good. =)
There's not really a whole heck of a lot left to do, so it'll be all good. No really stress whatsoever, so that's always good. And yes, I promise I'll try to get better over the next two weeks. =)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Days 24 and 23
Day 24 wedding stuffs consisted pretty much of just the photographer. We met with Ed Lausch yesterday to go over packages, when and where we are going to do different pictures and so on and so forth. Just pretty much the basic. So now I don't have to worry about that at all. =) He'll be calling me a couple of days before the wedding to confirm, but that's it.
And today, Day 23, we just got back from the Holiday Inn Select and meeting with Brad to finalize all the reception stuff. So that's done now. All I have to do where that is concerned is drop of my box of stuff the day before. =) It feels like everything is coming together now, and it's really awesome. I'm excired!
And today, Day 23, we just got back from the Holiday Inn Select and meeting with Brad to finalize all the reception stuff. So that's done now. All I have to do where that is concerned is drop of my box of stuff the day before. =) It feels like everything is coming together now, and it's really awesome. I'm excired!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Day 25
So yesterday I made all of our major appointments for this week, so that was a little bit of time on the phone setting that up. I also typed up the poem Misty wrote for the wedding favors to get it all laid out and decide just exactly how small I can make it and so on and so forth.
The biggest thing that happened yesterday was Myles spending a big part of the evening up at his computer, going through Joe Satriani songs for the wedding. There is one we're going to play at the end of the ceremony and then he's chosen a slew of them to be played pre-dinner and during dinner, before the dancing music starts and stuff. I thought it was really awesome that My went upstairs when he got home from work and just did it. =) It meant a lot to me that he put that much time and energy into it without me saying a word. =)
That was about it for yesterday, but like I said before, the closer we get, the more there will be. Today (day 24) we meet with the wedding photographer after work and will probably have to give him our first unborn child. Or maybe it's our second. I know that the Holiday Inn Select gets one and the photographer gets the other. Still haven't worked out all the details, but I'm sure someone will be there to cart them off as I pop them out. Or something like that.
Anywho, hopefully all goes well with the photographer and we get all that figured out, without Myles discussing too much side stuff with the guy. =) Everytime we're there, they get into these long conversations. Sigh. But, oh well.
The biggest thing that happened yesterday was Myles spending a big part of the evening up at his computer, going through Joe Satriani songs for the wedding. There is one we're going to play at the end of the ceremony and then he's chosen a slew of them to be played pre-dinner and during dinner, before the dancing music starts and stuff. I thought it was really awesome that My went upstairs when he got home from work and just did it. =) It meant a lot to me that he put that much time and energy into it without me saying a word. =)
That was about it for yesterday, but like I said before, the closer we get, the more there will be. Today (day 24) we meet with the wedding photographer after work and will probably have to give him our first unborn child. Or maybe it's our second. I know that the Holiday Inn Select gets one and the photographer gets the other. Still haven't worked out all the details, but I'm sure someone will be there to cart them off as I pop them out. Or something like that.
Anywho, hopefully all goes well with the photographer and we get all that figured out, without Myles discussing too much side stuff with the guy. =) Everytime we're there, they get into these long conversations. Sigh. But, oh well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yeah, I know. I've sucked at keeping up on this. =P I was really super good in the beginning, but as any of you who know me know how I probably figured that wouldn't last for long.
I can't believe it's already the middle of September!!! Wow. There is now less than a month until the wedding, and believe it or not, I'm not stressing. =) I've got the majority of everything done, so I'm not completely bombarded with things to do. And as I was going over the list of things that need to be done with Myles yesterday, he actually paid me a really nice compliment and said that I'd done a really good job with all of this. =) Yeah, that made me really happy.
This week will be busy for us where wedding stuffs is concerned. Tomorrow we meet with our photographer after work, Wednesday at noon we meet with our reception guru, and then on Thursday we'll be getting our before-the-wedding trims. =P And then friday is Samantha's birthday party at our house. So, yeah, we're pretty busy with stuff this week. It's getting down the wire, but I'm comfortable with where we are and not worried about it at all. =) I'm just excited for it to finally be here. I know guys aren't into the whole wedding thing, so I've tried not to bother Myles with too much of it, but I'm hoping he at least enjoys the day of the wedding. =P
I can't believe it's already the middle of September!!! Wow. There is now less than a month until the wedding, and believe it or not, I'm not stressing. =) I've got the majority of everything done, so I'm not completely bombarded with things to do. And as I was going over the list of things that need to be done with Myles yesterday, he actually paid me a really nice compliment and said that I'd done a really good job with all of this. =) Yeah, that made me really happy.
This week will be busy for us where wedding stuffs is concerned. Tomorrow we meet with our photographer after work, Wednesday at noon we meet with our reception guru, and then on Thursday we'll be getting our before-the-wedding trims. =P And then friday is Samantha's birthday party at our house. So, yeah, we're pretty busy with stuff this week. It's getting down the wire, but I'm comfortable with where we are and not worried about it at all. =) I'm just excited for it to finally be here. I know guys aren't into the whole wedding thing, so I've tried not to bother Myles with too much of it, but I'm hoping he at least enjoys the day of the wedding. =P
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day 31
Well, we went out today and bought our rings. And after three hours of looking and comparing, we chose them. =) I don't have a picture of Myles's, since they are bringing in two more from another store so he can choose which one (er, diamonds), he likes the best. And mine, well, Myles basically chose it for me, and it's AMAZING. 

The only part that sucks about it? I just got a fantastic new ring that looks wonderful with my killer engagement ring, and I can't freaking wear it for another month. LOL Yeah, that kinda blows. Myles's is similar to mine, only his is bigger, cuz, well, he's a guy. If he wore something the exact same as mine, he'd look pretty effeminate. That's just no good for me.
And in other wedding news, well, there is none. We've been busy lately and we haven't really done anything, but we know we have to get it done and it's all good. Nothing too major to do other than meet with some people, order a few things and so on and so forth.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Day 38
As the wedding day and festivities get closer, I'm pretty much doing at least something wedding related every day. =) Yesterday it was getting some invites ready for Myles to take to work this morning and going over some RSVP stuffs. And we've also been in cleaning/project mood this week to get ready for Saturday. We don't really need to do any cleaning and such, since we're not filthy pigs, it just gives us an excuse to get things done that we normally wouldn' putting chair rail up and getting the carpets cleaned. =) Oh, and Myles cleaning his office. LOL It's his man cave, so I never say anything about it, but I LOVE it when he cleans it all up nice. hahah.
Monday, September 1, 2008
So much for which day it is
I've sucked lately at keeping this up, mostly because we've had so much going on. This weekend has been all about wedding stuff actually, in some form or another. We've been working on getting some home improvement projects done before Saturday so we don't have a bunch of unfinished stuff. =) I'm moved into my office and the chair rail will be going up one night this week, so that's all done. It's really nice to have everything in one place, all of my reference books and all that good stuff. I've been needing to seperate work from everything else anyway. Writing and editing is always done in front of the TV and that's no good. So, from now on, that's no longer an issue. I'll be holed up in my office most of the time, and I'm okay with that. It's MUCH less distracting this way.
Misty and I headed down to South Bend on Saturday for my final dress fitting. It went great! =) Much better than I had anticipated, and a lot cheaper than we had thought it would be, too. The dress zipped up fine, but I ended up having them take out a half an inch on both sides of my ribcage justs so I could breathe a little easier. I'm sure I'm going to want to be able to take deep breaths on the day of the wedding. LOL I'll have to actually go back on Wednesday October 1 to try it on and pick it up, which kind of sucks, but, oh well. =P I'll get to have $1 margaritas with Mom and Dad afterward. I'll just stay the night and drive to work in the morning.
The rest of the wedding stuff is pretty much done, just a few straggling RSVPs that I need to get, of people that I know for a fact will be in the wedding, because, well, they're in it. LOL I need to send an email out to my bridesmaids about some final things, but that's no big deal. We need to make the programs and order the cardstock for the place cards, since the color of the card will determine for the waiters/waitresses what entree that person is eating. It'll be much easier for them that way. And fear not, we're not seating anyone other than a few tables up front by the head table for the spouses and children of people in the wedding, and our parents and my grandparents. Everyone else can sit where they want. =)
We're getting down to the wire here, but there's really not that much to do. I can't believe my bridal shower is this Saturday. Unbelievable!
I still have to think about bridesmaid gifts, too, but I'm just not sure what to do about that. The only person I know what I'm absolutely going to do for is Misty. Finding a gift to get four other people is difficult, since it's hard to choose one that that everyone will like and won't shove in a drawer or throw away when they get home. I've seen a lot of things I like, but I'm not sure everyone else would like, but it's not like I have $100 per person to spend. So, we'll see what happens. Just not sure.
Misty and I headed down to South Bend on Saturday for my final dress fitting. It went great! =) Much better than I had anticipated, and a lot cheaper than we had thought it would be, too. The dress zipped up fine, but I ended up having them take out a half an inch on both sides of my ribcage justs so I could breathe a little easier. I'm sure I'm going to want to be able to take deep breaths on the day of the wedding. LOL I'll have to actually go back on Wednesday October 1 to try it on and pick it up, which kind of sucks, but, oh well. =P I'll get to have $1 margaritas with Mom and Dad afterward. I'll just stay the night and drive to work in the morning.
The rest of the wedding stuff is pretty much done, just a few straggling RSVPs that I need to get, of people that I know for a fact will be in the wedding, because, well, they're in it. LOL I need to send an email out to my bridesmaids about some final things, but that's no big deal. We need to make the programs and order the cardstock for the place cards, since the color of the card will determine for the waiters/waitresses what entree that person is eating. It'll be much easier for them that way. And fear not, we're not seating anyone other than a few tables up front by the head table for the spouses and children of people in the wedding, and our parents and my grandparents. Everyone else can sit where they want. =)
We're getting down to the wire here, but there's really not that much to do. I can't believe my bridal shower is this Saturday. Unbelievable!
I still have to think about bridesmaid gifts, too, but I'm just not sure what to do about that. The only person I know what I'm absolutely going to do for is Misty. Finding a gift to get four other people is difficult, since it's hard to choose one that that everyone will like and won't shove in a drawer or throw away when they get home. I've seen a lot of things I like, but I'm not sure everyone else would like, but it's not like I have $100 per person to spend. So, we'll see what happens. Just not sure.
General Wedding Stuff,
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